Thursday 31 October 2013

Learning to haggle

I'm quite possibly obsessed with markets, car-boot sales & auctions and anywhere else you can hunt for unique treasures. Mr OCD is unfortunately not so keen and doesn't share the same eagerness to get out of bed 6am so not to miss anything. It's a battle to say the least and as I kick him out of bed I'm met with a barrage of swear words. Unfortunately he is my essential negotiator as I'm so terrible at haggling. Mr OCD works in sales and believes he's the bees knees when it comes to 'getting a deal'. As our holidays have predominately been based around the markets of the world I've had lots of opportunities to see him at work!

After years of only being able to watch the 'negotiation' under strict instructions not to speak, I was finally let loose to go out alone and secure my first deal in the Souks of Marrakech. I was given 20 dirhams to go away and purchase 3 camels (not real ones). I returned with 1 camel that cost me 30 dirhams and a big fat fail but I didn't care. This camel was special, he was the one no one wanted, the scruffy one with the wobbly leg and I knew he was the camel for me. Mr OCD named him 'tat' to add to my collection back home!


I know I'm way too emotional when it comes to negotiating. If I love something enough the price does kind of become irrelevant. However over the years I've also discovered that Mr OCD's hard faced approach doesn't always work either and sometimes there just isn't time to try the "walking away" technique. So here's some tips I've found to be useful for me....

1. Buying more than one item from a seller makes it easier to ask for a deal (and a good excuse to buy more).
2. Don't try the walking away tactic in the hope they'll shout after you. If you love it enough secure the deal there and then so someone else doesn't snap it up. I've had my heart broken too many times by going back to buy something and it's been sold. 
3. Be kind and sincere about the item without getting too excited (hard I know). If the seller likes you and thinks their wares are going to a good home they might be more willing to agree on a price.
4. Don't play it too cool and respect the sellers need to make a living from doing this. Offer them a too cheap price and they probably won't even entertain you.
5. I tend to ask a seller what is their best price and as I'm on a bit of a budget could they go any lower and always do it with a smile on my face.
6. Don't get carried away, its so easy to loose your focus when there's so much to buy. Always worth making a note of what you want to look out for before you go.

Happy bargain hunting x

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